At NETO Innovation, we are seeking for partners for topic EU4H-2022-PJ-03 aiming at supporting mental health and wellbeing of young people and their families.
Topic information
Topic ID: EU4H-2022-PJ-03
Title: Call for proposals on promoting mental health
Call: Action Grants 2022 - first wave (EU4H-2022-PJ) (single stage-2022)
Programme: EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Deadline: 24 May 2022, 5 pm Brussels time
Topic budget overview: 8 M€ (≈ 4M€/project)
EU4H Action Grant Budget-Based [EU4H-AG]
Objectives pursued and activities funded
The aim of the action is to increase awareness, knowledge generation and sharing, and capacity building in the area of mental health: the actions will support interested stakeholder organizations, to come together to discuss and exchange mental health practices and knowledge, to implement validated best practices and evidence-based projects. Activities will include the transfer of best practices (namely by exchanging and implementing best practices, and implementing activities that will increase awareness, knowledge sharing and support for health professionals’ training, including the development of necessary guidance and/or training material, such as video tutorials), as it was indicated by the Steering Group on Promotion and Prevention (SGPP), on children’s and adolescents’ mental health and well-being.
We are aiming to submit a proposal addressing subtopic n°2. This subtopic aims at implementing the best practice (Let’s Talk about Children) to support mental health and wellbeing of young people and their families in vulnerable groups.
Project main impacts
Implement the best practice ‘Let’s Talk about Children’ (LTC) to address the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.
Short-term impact: Increased number of interventions being scaled up in Member States providing long-term professional support for vulnerable young people to prevent social exclusion, promote psychosocial well-being and enhance social skills.
Long-term impact: identify solutions to tackle specific mental health issues, both at personal and societal level.
Provide benefits for developing and improving public health and social inclusion policies by networking between experts and additional cross-learning other than via practice transfer.
Potential partners
We have already 2 partners on board: an association with psychology oriented activities (in Bulgaria) and NETO Innovation for project management.
To complete the consortium, we are seeking for:
Institutes for mental health from different EU countries to implement the "LTC methodology/intervention.
Public and private organisation, NGOs, associations, etc. closely working with children/young people and their parents.
Interested in this project? Contact NETO Innovation team here for more information on the project, the missing partners, and your potential role in the project.
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